We Work RemotelyFlexJobs

Updated Feb 06, 2022

We Work Remotely vs FlexJobs comparison

There are a lot of remote job boards out there, and choosing the right one can be overwhelming. We've written the post to make it as easy as possible for you to compare We Work Remotely and FlexJobs.
Remote job illustration
We Work RemotelyFlexJobs
We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely vs FlexJobs comparison

About We Work Remotely

We Work Remotely is a Canadian remote job board and one of the largest remote work job boards in the world. Founded in 2011, they're well-established with some great companies using the site regularly. We Work Remotely is owned by Tiny Capital.

The site is relatively easy-to-use but has some issues and makes a few confusing claims (we'll get into those). They have hundreds of remote jobs from companies all around the world. For job seekers, they've recently introduced well-overdue update to their search functionality called advanced job search. This allows job seekers to filter jobs by keywords, basic categories, companies, and time zones.

Remote job illustration

We Work Remotely vs FlexJobs comparison

About FlexJobs

FlexJobs is a flexible and remote job board helping job seekers "have a faster, easier, and safer job search". Founded in 2007 by Sara Sutton (founder of remote.co), they're well-established and possibly the oldest remote-focused job board in the world.

Because they've been around since 2007, they're well-established and have one of the largest remote job databases on the internet, with 20,000+ jobs across 5,000+ companies! However, most of the jobs posted on FlexJobs are also available online for free from other sources — the difference is that FlexJobs aggregates them in one place, which can make it easier for job seekers.

The site is relatively easy-to-use, but is starting to look very outdated and confusing to navigate for both job seekers and employers. For job seekers, the search functionality has some great filters, but the layout of the site is messy and confusing to navigate. It's also not free to use for employers or job seekers (we'll get into that).

Remote job illustration

Remote job board comparison

We Work Remotely vs FlexJobs

See how We Work Remotely and FlexJobs compare side-by-side. We’ve tracked down and reviewed the best remote job boards on the internet, so you don't have to!
We Work RemotelyFlexJobsHimalayas

We Work Remotely

Single posting

How much it costs to post a single job on the site.
$299 – $647

Multiple postings

How much it costs to post multiple/bulk jobs on the site.
$179 – $517

Post expiration

How many days the job posts live on the site.
30 days
30+ days
30 days

Pricing rating

Our overall rating on prices and pricing structure.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Email to subscribers

Are job posts sent to email newsletter subscribers?
Check icon

Featured email placement for an additional $149.
Check icon

Only for job seekers that pay a monthly fee.
Check icon

Included in price.

Shared on social media

Are job posts shared on social media platforms?
Check icon

2x social media posts for an additional $59.
Check icon

Social promotion is an additional cost.
Check icon

Shared across all social profiles.

Audience rating

Our overall rating on audience and access to audience.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Jobs searchable

Are job posts searchable by keyword?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Organized by category

Are job posts easily organized by category?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Time zone filters

Can job seekers filter by their time zone?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Job type filters

Can job seekers filter by job type? (e.g. contract)
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Tech stack information

Do company profiles include tech stack information?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Employee benefits & perks

Do company profiles include employee benefits and perks?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Features rating

Our overall rating on features and ease-of-use.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating

Overall rating

Our overall rating on based on all factors considered.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
We Work RemotelyFlexJobs

We Work Remotely

Single posting

How much it costs to post a single job on the site.
$299 – $647

Multiple postings

How much it costs to post multiple/bulk jobs on the site.
$179 – $517

Post expiration

How many days the job posts live on the site.
30 days
30+ days

Pricing rating

Our overall rating on prices and pricing structure.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Email to subscribers

Are job posts sent to email newsletter subscribers?
Check icon

Featured email placement for an additional $149.
Check icon

Only for job seekers that pay a monthly fee.

Shared on social media

Are job posts shared on social media platforms?
Check icon

2x social media posts for an additional $59.
Check icon

Social promotion is an additional cost.

Audience rating

Our overall rating on audience and access to audience.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Jobs searchable

Are job posts searchable by keyword?
Check icon

Check icon

Organized by category

Are job posts easily organized by category?
Check icon

Check icon

Time zone filters

Can job seekers filter by their time zone?
Check icon

Check icon

Job type filters

Can job seekers filter by job type? (e.g. contract)
Check icon

Check icon

Tech stack information

Do company profiles include tech stack information?
Check icon

Check icon

Employee benefits & perks

Do company profiles include employee benefits and perks?
Check icon

Check icon

Features rating

Our overall rating on features and ease-of-use.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating

Overall rating

Our overall rating on based on all factors considered.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating

We Work Remotely vs FlexJobs comparison

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