
About is a remote job board founded in 2019 by Tony Territo. In 2020, the site merged with another remote job board called Nomadify. is now owned by a company called Innovation Labs. In 2021, they launched a "2.0" rebrand on Product Hunt which included the addition of a basic category search feature.

The site is very simple and easy-to-use. They have 500+ remote jobs with basic search functionality, allowing job seekers to search by category. However, the search function does not behave as you'd expect. For example, when we searched "design", it returned mostly software engineering roles. For employers, you can log in and manage jobs from a simple dashboard. review pricing overview

Hiring can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Here's some information about pricing and how they compare to other popular remote job boards. charges $299 – $835 per post.

The pricing structure for is quite expensive considering the size of the site. It's also not transparent — employers have to create an account to access accurate pricing information. Job posts start at $299, but like Remote OK, the cost can quickly skyrocket with plenty of add-ons to increase the visibility of your job post on the site.

remote.ioHimalayasRemote OKWe Work Remotely

Remote OK

We Work Remotely

Single posting

How much it costs to post a single job on the site.
$299 – $835
$599 – $4,143
$299 – $647

Multiple postings

How much it costs to post multiple/bulk jobs on the site.
$150 – $835
$299 – $2,271
$179 – $517

Post expiration

How many days the job posts live on the site.
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days

Pricing rating

Our overall rating on prices and pricing structure.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating review audience overview

Learn how and other popular remote job boards share job posts. have a respectable Twitter audience (@remoteio_jobs) of ~6.5k followers, but it doesn't look like it's been active for several months. There's no mention of whether or not job postings are shared with their audience via social media when posting a job or on their website. Similarly, there doesn't appear to be a newsletter where job posting are shared with subscribers.

remote.ioHimalayasRemote OKWe Work Remotely

Remote OK

We Work Remotely

Email to subscribers

Are job posts sent to email newsletter subscribers?
Check icon

Check icon

Included in price.
Check icon

For an additional $49.
Check icon

Featured email placement for an additional $149.

Shared on social media

Are job posts shared on social media platforms?
Check icon

Check icon

Shared across all social profiles.
Check icon

Check icon

2x social media posts for an additional $59.

Audience rating

Our overall rating on audience and access to audience.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating review features overview

Features and search filters are important. Here's how measures up to alternatives.

The site is simple and easy-to-use for job seekers, but is missing some critical features for remote workers. For example, job seekers can't filter search results by the timezone they're in or filter by the type of work (full time, contractor etc.). The search function does not behave as you'd expect as well. For example, when we searched "design", it returned mostly software engineering roles. Job seekers need to search for "design" and also choose "design" as the job category from the dropdown.

The employer dashboard is simple and easy-to-use, but lacks basic functionality. For example, employers have to input their company info, upload a logo etc. every time they post a job, rather than just managing their company information via their dashboard. Without these basic functionalities, it kind of makes having the employer dashboard redundant in the first place.

remote.ioHimalayasRemote OKWe Work Remotely

Remote OK

We Work Remotely

Jobs searchable

Are job posts searchable by keyword?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Organized by category

Are job posts easily organized by category?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Time zone filters

Can job seekers filter by their time zone?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Job type filters

Can job seekers filter by job type? (e.g. contract)
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Tech stack information

Do company profiles include tech stack information?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Employee benefits & perks

Do company profiles include employee benefits and perks?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Features rating

Our overall rating on features and ease-of-use.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating review full comparison

Here's a full comparison of and alternatives. We gave them a 2.5-star rating.

remote.ioHimalayasRemote OKWe Work Remotely

Remote OK

We Work Remotely

Single posting

How much it costs to post a single job on the site.
$299 – $835
$599 – $4,143
$299 – $647

Multiple postings

How much it costs to post multiple/bulk jobs on the site.
$150 – $835
$299 – $2,271
$179 – $517

Post expiration

How many days the job posts live on the site.
30 days
30 days
30 days
30 days

Pricing rating

Our overall rating on prices and pricing structure.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Email to subscribers

Are job posts sent to email newsletter subscribers?
Check icon

Check icon

Included in price.
Check icon

For an additional $49.
Check icon

Featured email placement for an additional $149.

Shared on social media

Are job posts shared on social media platforms?
Check icon

Check icon

Shared across all social profiles.
Check icon

Check icon

2x social media posts for an additional $59.

Audience rating

Our overall rating on audience and access to audience.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating


Jobs searchable

Are job posts searchable by keyword?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Organized by category

Are job posts easily organized by category?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Time zone filters

Can job seekers filter by their time zone?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Job type filters

Can job seekers filter by job type? (e.g. contract)
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Tech stack information

Do company profiles include tech stack information?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Employee benefits & perks

Do company profiles include employee benefits and perks?
Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Check icon

Features rating

Our overall rating on features and ease-of-use.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating

Overall rating

Our overall rating on based on all factors considered.
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating
Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating

Should you use remote job board review

Star ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar ratingStar rating is a super simple remote job board that claims it is "one of the most visited job boards in the world". The site primarily features tech jobs, but occasionally posts non-tech roles.

Their pricing structure is a little hard to get your head around and you have to create an account to access this information. Basically, jobs start at $299, but there are plenty of add-ons that can easily double or triple the price. For example:

  • Highlight my post in yellow (+$49)
  • Highlight my post with a custom brand color (+$89)
  • Sticky my post so it stays on top of the front-page for 1 entire week (+$99) 6x more views
  • Sticky my post so it stays on top of the front-page for 1 entire month (+$299) 12x more views

When purchasing a job, you can also prepay multiple job posts for a discount:

  • 5 additional job posts and save 25% (+$1,121)
  • 10 additional job posts and save 30% (+$2,093)
  • 15 additional job posts and save 35% (+$2,915)
  • 20 additional job posts and save 40% (+$3,588)
  • 25 additional job posts and save 50% (+$3,738)


  • Super simple site is easy to navigate for job seekers
  • Allows employers to choose between single or bulk job posting plans
  • Job posting plans include add-on options, like highlighting posts and adding custom brand colors


  • Search function for job seekers doesn't return the correct results as expected
  • Employers need to create an account before accessing pricing information
  • Posting jobs is expensive, especially with add-ons
  • Doesn't look like posts are shared on social media channels
  • All higher-visibility add-ons are charged extra
  • No timezone filtering when searching for jobs
  • Job seekers are limited to fixed job keyword searches
  • There is no filter to search U.S.-based jobs only
  • No company profiles to learn more about the companies posting the jobs
  • No information on company tech stacks
  • No information on company perks and benefits
  • Users have to add their company information each time they post a new job
  • Not much transparency on website traffic, job post analytics, or the company behind the site


There's not much information on this job board online. They launched in 2019 and were awarded the #1 Product of the Month on Product Hunt in December 2020 with mostly positive reviews. There isn't much transparency here or information available about their traffic, but they claim to be "one of the most visited job boards in the world".

Their employers page features some great companies including Aha!, Automattic, and Clubhouse.

Remote OKremote.ioWe Work Remotely

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