Remote OK is on of the largest and most popular remote job boards in the world, created by Nomad List founder, Pieter Levels in 2015. They share their site traffic publicly, and get 600-800k visitors per month.
The site's wide reach alone makes it a popular choice for employers hiring remotely. Where the site falls behind, however, is in its complete disregard for user experience and design.
Himalayas is the best place for remote job seekers to find new jobs. They’re focused on providing a job search experience that has great UX, focused on speed and efficiency. There are no third-party recruiters, so you’ll speak directly to the companies.
They’ve got 1,000+ remote jobs and over a thousand remote companies, you can learn about. They make it easy to find remote roles that actually want to hire you regardless of where you live or what role you’re looking for.
So whether you like sync or async communication, work in software development, sales, product, marketing, design, finance, operations, or anything in between they’ve got you covered.